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Scouts: Eastrek 2013

Eastrek 2013 will run over the Easter weekend, based on Botany Bay campsite near Tintern, as last year.

More details soon – contact Dave Judge – for more details in the meantime.

Bag Packing – 17th November

1st Finch has been given the opportunity to have a day “bag-packing” at Tesco on Saturday November 17th
We need volunteers for this – some parents as well please, to help
“manage” the younger children.  We plan to cover the best part of the
day in 2 hour shifts, but of course this is dependent upon the number of
volunteers we get.   It’s a gre

Scout Summer Camp 2012 – initial report

For Summer Camp this year, 4 patrols of Scouts spent a week on the northern side of Exmoor over half-term, near the small village of Horner. The weather was not kind to us for much of the week, and we had quite a lot of rain and a storm (that blew above our sheltered valley).

Scout Summer Camp 2012

The Scout Troops’ Summer Camp in 2012 will be held from 2nd to 9th June 2012 (i.e. Diamond Jubilee Week) at a Scout Campsite close to Porlock on the northern edge of Exmoor and within easy reach of the sea by the Severn Estuary.

More from the Three Towers, including pictures

BE VERY PROUD of your achievements at the weekend –
fabulous Finchampstead Scouts and Wokingham Explorer results (winning
Scout, Scout Plus and Explorer events with two new course records). In
fact our teams came 1st, 5th and 12th in the Scout, 1st in Scout Plus
and 1st, 3rd and 4th in Explorer.

Leopards Cub Pack Camp

A camp based at Thirtover Campsite, Cold Ash, Thatcham.  A camp allowing the cubs to participate in Rock Climbing, Bell Boating, Grass Sledging, Hiking, and Much More.

Shop2Fundraise toolbar – we were 2nd!

Thank you to all our parents and supporters who downloaded and use the Shop2Fundraise plugin for their browser. The report is that we were 2nd in the total number of downloads and receive a nice prize to help towards our funds. Please keep using the shopping plugin so that we keep on fundraising – using it adds significantly to our own funds.