Getting Started
As a new volunteer helping directly with young people in Scouting, you’ll need to complete the Getting Started training modules. This training is intended to ensure you have the skills, understanding and tools to carry out the role effectively.
The training modules need to be completed within your first 5 months in Scouting, form the date at which your application forms is added to Compass. When you’ve passed the training and validation requirements, you’ll be insured to carry out Scouting activities as an adult volunteer.
Help completing your training
The Group Scout Leader is ultimately responsible for ensuring you achieve your training.
To support you in your first five months of volunteering with the Scouts we have a number of training modules for you to complete.
Who has to do what?
New leaders have to complete:
- Essential Information (Module 1)
- Safety
- Safeguarding
- Personal Learning Plan (Module 2)
- Tools for the Role (Module 3)
- First Aid
New Trustee Board members have to complete:
- Essential Information (Module 1)
- Safety
- Safeguarding
- Trustee introduction
Accessing your training
The modules that make up your getting started training are available to complete online below on the Scouts website:
Training validation
Scout training needs to be validated with practical evidence and knowledge from leading the section. For Module 3, this includes evidence you have planned and run (or assisted) in an activity, plus a ceremony appropriate to your section.
Validation normally takes place over the course of an evening with the GSL or a Training Advisor.
Other resourses
Berkshire Scouts has a comprehensive Induction Handbook on their website: