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1st Finchampstead – 90th Anniversary – some pictures from history

This year, 2009, marks the 90th anniversary of the 1st Finchampstead Scout Group, which started as a Wolf Cub pack in early 1919.

From time to time during the year, I will be adding a few pictures from my archives to this article, for interest, and to show that despite the fact that it seems like a long time ago, most of the Scouts and Leaders were just like those of you in the Group today – they enjoyed their Scoouting, especially the active camps and expeditions, and made use of all the time they had with us.

This picture dates from a previous celebration, the Group Camp over the May Bank Holiday in 1990, when we had a Group Camp to follow on from the successful 70th anniversary camp which we held in 1989.


We also had a 75th anniversary camp in 1994 at the Police College in Sulhampstead. Click on the picture below to see more.


As anybody who has read the back of the 2005 Kandersteg T-Shirt will realise, we have been running Scout Summer Camps for a long time. In fact, for nearly 90 years. Following a recent sort-out, some pictures from summer camps in the early 1990’s have come to light. If you look at them, you will realise that there is no difference between camping now and 20 years ago (looking at my father’s pictures, there’s little difference to 75 years ago either). So, some 1990’s Scout Summer Camps – click on the picture to see the camp set.

Summer Camp 1992, Gradbach, Derbyshire:


Summer Camp 1993: Poole Harbour:


Summer Camp 1994: Great Tower Scout Campsite, The Lake District:
