Click HERE for the Funday Permission Form
Please print, complete and return the permission form by 15th June.
1st Finchampstead Scout Group
Beaver and Cub Fun day
Sunday 21st June 2009
17th March 2009
Dear Scouts and Parents,
Scout headquarters are putting on a fun day for the Beavers and Cubs on the 21st June at Gilwell Park in Chingford. The day will include loads of fun activities that many people may not get the chance to do otherwise.
Date: Sunday 21st June 2009
Venue: Gilwell Park, Chingford
Activities: Prussiking, Pedal Carts, Robogeddon, Climbing, High ropes and many more
Cost: £28 per child and £23 per adult *
*This cost is based on a minimum of 49 people attending
The costs include entrance fee to Gilwell park, activities and coach travel on an executive coach (inc toilets).
We will need help on the day with looking after the young people that we take, our ratios are 1 adult to 6 beavers and 1 adult to 8 cubs. If you are able to help please let me know, I will also need you to complete a CRB form before going.
To help with our planning we will require forms back by Wednesday 25th March 2009
If you need any further information at this stage please don’t hesitate to contact me
Yours in Scouting
Simon Gosden
07525 834701
My son/Daughter ________________________ will be attending the Beaver and Cub fun day on Sunday 21st June 2009.
Oaks Willows Leopards Badgers * Please delete as appropriate
Please make cheques payable to 1st Finchampstead Scout Group
I will be able to help on the day yes/no
I have current scout CRB clearance yes/no
Click HERE to go and see more details about the Funday on the Scout website