So just what is bag packing?
you ever been to a supermarket, and as you get to the checkout there is
somebody standing smiling politely with bags at the ready, and drawing
your attention to the donation bucket? They are a bag packer!
it or not, bag packing is a very simple and effective way to raise
funds. In just the one day, it’s possible to raise anything in the
region of £400-£1000!!!
1st Finch has been given the opportunity to have a day “bag-packing” at Sainsburys Winnersh on December 3rd.
need volunteers for this – parents as well please to help “manage” the
younger children. We hope to cover the best part of the day in 2 hour
shifts, but of course this is dependent upon the number of volunteers we
get. It?s a wonderful opportunity, especially being so close to
Christmas, and it would be really great to have sufficient volunteers so
that the load can be spread and made easy for everyone. Please help us
to make the day memorable.
you can help, please let your Leader know by 28th October so that we
can organise the event and gain the maximum from it. It also helps our
planning to know who will not be able to be there, so please all
respond, preferably using the form attached. The Leaders will pass your
responses to me and I will publish a schedule early in November.
Many thanks – let’s see if we can break the £1000 mark!
Dave Stock – Fund Raising Manager