Our Group Camp at Cricket Campsite is fast approaching and it’s going to be HUGE! – we have a total of 152 people signed up!
The final arrangements are being put in place and we will send out details of these shortly. However, we do now need the balance of the £50 camping fee from all those who are due to attend, along with a completed ‘Permission to Camp’ form. This form is very important and you will not be allowed to camp if it is not completed in advance of the camp.
One of our planned activities is Air Rifle shooting – an activity that will be run by trained instructors at the campsite. To be able to take part in this activity all under-18s will need to have written parental permission on an activity permission form.
Both these forms are available to download below. Please print them off, complete and sign before returning them (with the outstanding balance of the camp fee – cheques made out to 1st Finchampstead Scout Group) to your section leader by Friday 11th April.