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Subs for the Summer term are now due and can be paid on the internet if you prefer

Subs for the Summer term are now due

to Pay

We can now accept direct transfers to our account,
so if you have access to electronic banking you can transfer your subs directly
from your bank account to ours using the following details:

Account Number: 61742191
Sort Code: 40-47-09
Reference:  Your child’s name

If you can’t fit the whole name in the reference,
please send an email to
 with the subject “SUBS”, telling me the
date & amount of the payment and who it was for.

Of course, if you prefer, you can still post your
payment in the Black Box in the
headquarters entrance hall as before. Cheques are preferred and should be made
payable to 1st Finchampstead Scout Group.   Please attach a subs form or write your
child’s name and group on the reverse of the cheque.  Subs forms are available on the web site here and
on the notice board of the entrance hall.










For families with 3 children in the group the youngest child’s subscription is

If you are a UK
tax payer and have not already registered for Gift Aid please do
so.  It does not cost you anything and
you only need to fill in a simple form once for us to be able to reclaim tax
from the Inland Revenue for all the subscriptions you pay for all your children
over the entire time they are part of our Scout Group.  There is no need to fill in a new form each

The government allows us to continue to reclaim 28p of tax on every £1
you give up to 2011, despite the lower rate of basic rate tax which applies
from 6 April 2008 (20% instead of 22%).  Also, if you pay income
tax at the higher rate
, you can claim back additional tax relief by including your Gift Aid
donations on your Self Assessment tax return.

Gift aid forms are available on the web site here and on
the notice board of the entrance hall at FinchBase.

Scouting is an experience that all youngsters should
be able to enjoy and so if the subscription presents a financial problem please
speak, in confidence, to your section leader or myself so that we can help.


Thank you for your support.


Yours sincerely,


Carole Williams

Subscription secretary, 1st Finchampstead
Scout Group