Adult volunteer roles working with children
So you’re thinking of helping out with Scouts? Great! Every adult volunteer makes a real difference. This page describes the roles available for adults looking to work directly with children.
There are several types of role available, with varying levels of commitment. They’re not set in stone and we’re always happy to be flexible, so please speak to the Group Scout Leader if you’re unsure which one is right for you.
All roles require:
- a DBS check
- a chat with the District Appointments Advisory Committee
- validation of training through experience and a chat with the Group Scout Leader.
Once you’ve decided on a role, please complete the Adult Information Form on the Scout Association’s website, and return to the Group Scout Leader (preferably by email).
Occasional Helper
This role is intended for adults who are not able to make a regular commitment, but who would like to help out from time to time. Also, if you’re looking to help out on camp, this is the role we’ll ask you to sign up to.
Time commitment:
Ad hoc. If it’s regularly more than once a month with the section, we’ll ask you to become a Section Assistant or Leader.
Training commitment:
None – but taking the online safeguarding course is highly recommended.
Section Assistant
Help the leaders in delivering the programme.
Time commitment:
Once a week with the section.
Assisting with management of the section (optional).
Training commitment:
Getting Started training (Safeguarding, Safety & GDPR). Safeguarding & safety training are renewed every 3 years.
First aid training.
Assistant Leader
Support the operation of the section, helping the Section Leader in planning and delivering the programme.
Time commitment:
Once a week with the section.
Assisting with management of the section.
Training commitment:
Getting Started training (Safeguarding, Safety & GDPR). Safeguarding & safety training are renewed every 3 years.
First aid training.
Ongoing training through to award of Wood Badge within 3 years.
Section Leader
Manage and lead the section. Planning and delivering a balanced programme of activities.
Time commitment:
Once a week with the section.
Responsible for management of the section.
Training commitment:
Getting Started training (Safeguarding, Safety & GDPR). Safeguarding & safety training are renewed every 3 years.
First aid training.
Ongoing training through to award of Wood Badge within 3 years.
We’ve created a spreadsheet comparing the different roles, which also includes links to the full role descriptions for the above: