Your First Visit
You should have received a link to OSM where you can complete your child’s details. Please complete that before attending as we cannot let you leave your child without having those details.
If you haven’t had a link to OSM you must bring along a completed Child Details form to your first session. Download the form as a PDF or as a Word document.
Your child doesn’t need a uniform for the first few weeks.
The Scout Association has produced guides for parents, for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
Joining Beavers
On your first session, you may arrive to find a game in progress, which is usually quite noisy! You will probably know some of the other Beavers already because they come from lots of different schools in the area. You do not need to have any uniform and your Leaders will tell you all about that when you have definitely decided you want to be a Beaver. You will be put into a small group called a Lodge with a Lodge Leader who will look after you and show you what to do, and you’ll soon get to know the other Beavers in your Lodge. Beavers have lots of fun and each week is different, there is always something new to try!
Joining Cubs
Whether you have been a Beaver or not we know that you will have lots of fun, challenge and adventure whilst in a Cub Pack. Pack meetings can seem very noisy and confusing to start with, but you’ll soon get used to how we do things!
When you first join Cubs you will be put into a smaller group of Cubs called a “Six”.
For example, at Leopards there are four Sixes – Blue, Green, Red and Yellow. You can tell which Six someone is in by the colour of their woggle – the plastic tube that holds the scarf together. Each Six is led by a Sixer and the Sixer is helped by a Seconder. When you first join the Pack your Sixer will look after you and help you to settle in.
Joining Scouts
Scout meetings are a lot longer than Beaver and Cub meetings so we have more time to do challenging and interesting things. Similar to Cubs and Beavers you will join a small unit called a Patrol; there is a Patrol Leader (PL) and Assistant Patrol Leader (APL) in each Patrol. We tend to do activities in Patrols but there is plenty of time to mix with other people as well.
Each meeting starts with Flag Break and at your first meeting you will be asked by a leader to introduce yourself to the Troop before your Patrol Leader welcomes you to his patrol. We will normally play a game before we get on with the main activities for the evening.