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100 Club Christmas Draw

100 Club Christmas Draw

Savage, at one time our GSL, well known for her limb breaking feats at
camp, pulled the first Christmas draw for the 100 Club just before
Christmas.  Nancy was so taken with the event that she even promised that her hus

Success in the District Cub Scout orienteering

Congratulations to Adam Gater of Leopards Cub Scout Pack who came first inthe Wokingham District Cub Scout orienteering last week. His success came despite being withiout any partners, as he was the only pack member to turn up! Well done!

Cubs: Leopards IT Staged Activity Badge Homework

Hi All,

Attached to this post are the Stage 1 and Stage 2 worksheets for the IT staged activity badge work as discussed at the Leopards Pack Cub meeting on 23rd November 2010.

Please can I have completed work back via Leopards Akela by the end of term (Dec 2010).


– Chris

Cubs: District Cub Scout Chess Tournament – 6th November 2010

1st Finchampstead hosted the Wokingham District Chess Tournament for Cub
Scouts today. Cub Scouts from around the District took part and all had
an enjoyable and hard fought day. The results of the tournament are
below – congratulations to the winners and well done to all those who took part.


A very sad death in the Group

We regret to announce the death of  Chris Brett, our Group President.

Chris Brett was a stalwart of Scouting in Finchampstead and Wokingham for many years.