Cub Scouts Pictures 2010
The pictures linked from the image below have been taken on various Cub Scout activities during the year.
The pictures linked from the image below have been taken on various Cub Scout activities during the year.
1st Finchampstead are planning a trip to watch Reading Football CLub play Preston North End at the Madjeski Stadium on 2nd May. We have obtained promotional tickets from Reading as part of our fund-raising efforts, and we are keen that all you keen supporters come out and watch.
Please find attached some information regarding this years 1st Finchampstead Cub Camp, which will take place later in the year at the Chalfont Heights Scout Camp, Buckinghamshire.
Subs for the Summer term are now due
to Pay
We can now accept direct transfers to our account,
so if you have access to electronic banking you can transfer your subs directly
from your bank account to ours using the following details:
Easter weekend saw 40 members of 1st Finch head of to the New Forest for our now traditional Eastrek expedition. We started on the Friday morning in a very wet car park with a 10 mile hike ahead of us. Waterproofs were donned and we headed of in two groups to take separate routes back to Fernycrofts, our base camp for the weekend.
On a sunny April Saturday 9 teams from 1st Finchampstead set out to conquer the 3 Towers Hike. This included 5 teams in the Scout event, one team in the Scout Plus event [a new event for older Scouts over 40 Kilometres] and 3 leader teams taking on the 70K Classic Event.
All turned up looking keen and eager but knowing that a long day lay ahead. And so for the results:
We need to put in names of those Scouts who wish to take part in the Three Towers Hike, which this coming year takes place on Saturday 10th April. Last year was an incredibly successful event for 1st Finch, with a win in the Scout event and second place in the Classic event plus RECORDS for the fastest female scout and fastest finishing Classic pair EVER!
to the success of 1st Finchampstead’s recent “Eastrek” expeditions
we will be running the event again in Easter 2010 for both Scout Troops. The hike will be held in the New Forest and will run over the Easter weekend (April 2nd – 5th 2010).
The first draw of the 100 Club was held at Finchbase late last month following a bell ringing evening with the Leopards Cubs. Councillor Gordon Veitch made the draw, with the first 3 lucky winners being Christine Collins, Mike Mulrain and Isi Kent.
Goldinch Scouts had a great time snotubing last night.
The Scouts were even running up the hill to get yet another slide down (the Leaders just polodded gently up)
Pictures of the evening can be seen by clicking on the picture below.
The other half of the troop is continuing next week – hope they don’t crash!