Scouts – Kandersteg 2011 – Activity Programme – Tuesday 23rd August
Scouts – Kandersteg 2011 – Activity Programme – Monday 22nd August
Kandersteg Expedition 2011 – text of the message sent to all members in April 2011
Dear Scout and parents
This is the latest of the newsletters that we intend to send before
the expedition. It is intended to keep you up to date with the
expedition and to answer questions which may arise from time to
Expedition Payments
Scout Kandersteg Expedition 2011 – Detailed Programme
This page contains links to the activity programme on each activity day of this year’s Summer Expedition.
For other days that we haven’t put here, please see the Outline Programme – click here
Fundraising – Marvellous Festival 2011
Marvellous Festival 2011
have tickets for The Marvellous Festival 2011 (Wellington Country Park)
over the weekend of 22nd-23rd July at a slight discount on the
published prices and which also will generate income for the Group.
Greenfinch Scouts – Rabbit!
Greenfinch Scouts spent an evening looking at rabbits – in great detail.
With a masterclass from Ian and then individual patrol instruction, each patrol started with a rabbit and prepared it for the pot!. The rabbits have now been frozen and will be cooked in a couple of weeks.
3 Towers 2011 – Great Results Once Again for 1st Finch!
3 Towers 2011 – 1st Finchampstead Results
Party in the Park – for the Royal Wedding 2011 – report and pictures
1st Finchampstead celebrated the Royal Wedding in style with a party in California Country Park during the afternoon and evening. Great fun, and good to see so many people there – well over 250 of us.
Group: Party in the Park
Party in the Park
‘Last Night of the Proms sing along’
Friday 29th April from 4.00pm
At Finchbase